The “Digital” way of Job search

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The “Digital” way of Job search

Advancing your career or changing jobs comes with numerous challenges. Today, the pool of candidates is vastly competitive. Hiring managers will analyze your resume, past professional experiences and social presence, so standing out is the key. Tidying your “Social Media Profiles” while Job Searching is imperative; put your best digital foot forward in your job search.

Today social media has caused a paradigm shift the way conversations are done. In the past decade, it has slowly blurred the line between personal lives with professional life. This can be easy to forget, until you start a new job search. Here are tips to cleaning up your profiles.

Keep a check on your profile privacy settings

Facebook provides a range of settings to allow your profile to be completely public to totally hidden. Most people will seek something in the middle, which allows their profile to be found in their network while keeping your posts private. On Facebook’s homepage, click on “privacy check-up” to see how your posts appear to others and adjust your settings accordingly. Other accounts such as Twitter and Instagram don’t allow this range of privacy settings, but allow you to make your public accounts private.

Consider secondary professional accounts

Social networks were originally created to connect with friends and family, but have since made their way to include colleagues and business associates. If you prefer to keep these worlds separate, you can create secondary social media accounts for “friendly” business associates. If you do use a professional account, fill out the profile with your work information and include a professional headshot.

Scrutinize your history

Even if you choose to keep your accounts public, it’s a good idea to scan your social media history for any posts you may have forgotten about. This may flag any potential posts that you may want to delete. Keep a note of this.

Use workplace social tools to communicate in the office

Social media is convenient; nevertheless its use should be restricted at the workplace. Fortunately, there is an alternative for those who wish to keep the convenience of social media within the workplace focus of email. Interoffice communication tools like Hangout, skype, Google Drive etc. for Work provide the group collaboration, while creating a place just for work.

Share for the job you want

Social media can be an asset in this regard, not a liability. Use your platforms to follow the companies you’re interested in and share their content if it’s interesting to you. This will showcase your interest in the organization and you will equally benefit with the latest updates about the organization that you are looking as your future employer.

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