How to Reduce Social Isolation While Working from Home

How to Reduce Social Isolation While Working from Home

A big part of work is about being human and needing that social connection. While working remotely, it’s easy to feel the effects of social isolation and an absence of different interactions in your daily routines. It’s important to combat the isolating effects by being intentional about connection.

Here are tips for you to stay connected beyond task-oriented work:

Designate a social channel

Not every interaction with a co-worker needs to have categorically work related. Watercoolers have an important place for bringing people together. In a digital world, however, that needs to be fostered by creating a place where it’s permissible to open up, share photos of loved ones, or pets, or simply blow off steam. Research backs up why this is important too.

Stick to a quitting time

Working all the time can make you feel disconnected from the larger web of social frameworks. Setting and maintaining a time to stop work for the day will allow you to reconnect with family, get in touch with friends, or even get a breath of fresh air.

Seek out a (remote) mentor

For people struggling to adapt, you don’t have to go it alone. Assigning or seeking out mentors can prevent people from spiraling into problems. Change and working remotely is difficult, but guidance can ease the process.

Grow your network

Socializing professionally doesn’t just take place with coworkers. Your extended network of professional connections also provide valuable social contact, and you can continue to build that web through digital platforms such as LinkedIn. There are digital options as well to spread your message, including blogging, vlogging, and podcasting.

Take an actual lunch

When you’re in the office, you may take a hurried lunch by yourself at your desk or in the cafeteria within the time frame. At home, you have the luxury of making a real meal in your kitchen and sitting down at your dining room table, while even listening to your favourite song. Use this time. Make a real lunch for yourself and connect with people either at home or through an online chat.

These measures are important not only for your personal life, but also for your professional life. According to a study published in Harvard Business Review, 35% of the variation in a team’s performance can be accounted for simply by the number of exchanges among team members, and the “right” number of exchanges in a team is as many as dozens per working hour.

So go ahead, indulge in those social conversations –– feel and perform better.