How to Measure the Success of Recruitment Process Outsourcing

How to Measure the Success of Recruitment Process Outsourcing


Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) has become a go-to solution for many businesses to meet their recruitment needs. RPO can help organizations reduce recruitment costs, streamline the hiring process, and improve the quality of hires. However, like any business investment, it is important to measure the success of your RPO partnership to ensure that it is delivering the expected results.

Key Metrics to Measure the Success of Your RPO

Time to Fill (TTF)

Time to Fill (TTF) is one of the most important metrics to track when measuring the success of your RPO. It refers to the number of days it takes to fill a job opening from the time it is posted. A shorter TTF means that your RPO partner is finding qualified candidates quickly and efficiently.

Cost Per Hire (CPH)

Cost Per Hire (CPH) is another important metric to track when evaluating your RPO. It refers to the total cost of filling a job opening, including advertising, recruitment fees, and other expenses, divided by the number of hires made. A lower CPH indicates that your RPO partnership is helping you save money on recruitment.

Quality of Hire (QoH)

The Quality of Hire (QoH) metric measures the effectiveness of your RPO partnership in finding and placing the right candidates for your business. It takes into account factors such as retention rates, job performance, and productivity. A high QoH score means your RPO partner is providing you with quality hires.

Candidate Satisfaction

Candidate satisfaction is an important metric to track because it indicates how well your RPO partner is representing your business to candidates. A positive candidate experience can lead to higher retention rates and a stronger employer brand.

Time to Productivity

Time to Productivity measures the time it takes for a new hire to become fully productive in their role. A shorter time to productivity means that your RPO partner is finding candidates who are a good fit for the role and your business, reducing the time it takes for them to become fully integrated into their new position.

How to Use Metrics to Improve Your RPO Partnership

Tracking these metrics is not enough if you don't use them to improve your RPO partnership. Here are some tips on how to use the metrics to optimize your RPO:

  • Work with your RPO partner to identify areas of improvement based on the metrics.
  • Use the metrics to set benchmarks and goals for your RPO partnership.
  • Regularly review the metrics and adjust your RPO strategy accordingly.
  • Share the metrics with your RPO partner to collaborate on improvements and progress.


Measuring the success of your Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) partnership is critical to ensuring that it is delivering the expected results. By tracking key metrics such as Time to Fill, Cost Per Hire, Quality of Hire, Candidate Satisfaction, and Time to Productivity, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your RPO partnership and make adjustments to optimize your recruitment strategy. Remember to use the metrics to set goals, collaborate with your RPO partner, and continuously improve your hiring process.


How long does it take to see results from an RPO partnership?

Results can vary depending on the specific needs of your business and the effectiveness of your RPO partner. However, you should start to see improvements in your recruitment process within the first few weeks of the collaboration.

Can RPO save my business money?

Yes, RPO can help businesses save money on recruitment by reducing recruitment costs and improving the efficiency of the hiring process.

How do I know if my RPO partner is providing quality hires?

Tracking metrics such as Quality of Hire and Time to Productivity can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your RPO partner in providing quality hires.

How often should I review the metrics?

It is recommended to review the metrics on a regular basis, such as quarterly or bi-annually, to ensure that your RPO partnership is continuously improving.

What if the metrics are not meeting expectations?

If the metrics are not meeting expectations, it is important to work with your RPO partner to identify areas of improvement and adjust your recruitment strategy accordingly. Collaboration and communication are key to optimizing your RPO partnership.

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